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Umphenour Appointed To ASMI Board
Fisherman, Owner of Fairbanks Smokery Fills Long-Vacant Slot


July 31, 2002
Weednesday - 12:10 am

An experienced fisherman and Fairbanks processor known for his custom smoked salmon and other value added seafood products has been named to the board of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), Gov. Tony Knowles announced Tuesday. Virgil Umphenour, who fished commercially for 11 seasons and currently holds a state freshwater beach seine permit, fills a seat designated for a fisherman from the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim region that has been vacant since 1999.

"Virgil Umphenour served the state with distinction during three terms on the Board of Fisheries and his expertise in salmon processing and marketing will be put to good use on the ASMI board," Knowles said. "His experience as a successful small businessman who produces value-added products from chum salmon will make him a great addition in helping lead ASMI's marketing efforts."

Umphenour owns and operates Interior Alaska Fish Processors which produces smoked salmon, processed salmon roe and other value-added products. A co-founder of the Yukon River Drainage Fishermen's Association (YRDFA) and member of the Yukon River Panel Advisory Committee, Umphenour has participated in both commercial and subsistence fisheries, and is an avid sport fisherman and guide. He served 8 years on the state Fish Board from 1994 until earlier this year.

"I look forward to working with the other members of the ASMI board to better position Alaska's superior wild salmon against farmed fish on the world market and to seek increased institutional markets for Alaska salmon and other seafood," Umphenour said.

"Virgil Umphenour is very knowledgeable of our interior and coastal fisheries and he will be a good representative for this region," said fisherman and YRDFA board member Bill Fliris of Tanana. "I have a lot of confidence that Virgil will do a good job on this important board."

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute was formed to increase the worldwide consumption of Alaska Seafood and promote the quality and superiority of Alaska seafood products. The institute operates three distinct marketing programs focusing on export, food service, and retail salmon, each designed to enhance the appeal and popularity of Alaska Seafood as a delicious, healthy, center-of-the-plate meal selection.

ASMI is governed by a 25-member board of directors that is appointed by the Governor. The board includes representatives of seafood harvesters, and large and small seafood processors. Umphenour's term runs through July 2005.


Source of News Release:

Office of the Governor
Web Site



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